Keepsake Lacquer Lipstick Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Keepsake lyrics


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Keepsake - Lacquer Lipstick

Friendship never meant so much
Until I stumbled across an old letter. You marked it with a kiss
I could still smell you as if you were right there
As if I could run my fingers through your hair
What a feeling but you don't want to be my friend
You've killed two birds with one stone, congratulations

That yellow rose I picked for you it's in my room
It's better days have gone away
I clean up the mess it's made and save what remains
I put it in a box and save it for another day
A day in which will never end because now
I know that you're not my friend

I know You know
We've got to let you go
It's not so bad
I tell you (2x)

Just what the hell am I to say
I'm not that cool I'll get it wrong...but anyway
We don't want to be so cool or at least just not like you
And I said it in a song yes you do look pretty today
But I'll never say it again
Because you're not my friend.


What a feeling
but you don't want to be my friend
You've killed two birds with one stone, congratulations

Friendship means so much more
Now that I've stumbled across an old letter you sealed it with a kiss
I could still smell you as if you were right there
As if I could run my fingers through your hair
What a feeling
No I don't want to be your friend
We've killed two birds with one stone, congratulations
What a feeling
No I don't want to be your friend
We've killed two birds with one stone.

Date added: Mar 26, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
Download time: < ? min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: ?? kbps
Track Length ?? (mm:ss)
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Music video for Keepsake - Lacquer Lipstick

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