Moore ChantÉ Old School Lovin' Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Moore ChantÉ lyrics


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Moore ChantÉ - Old School Lovin'

Let\'s go back baby,
back to the way it was.

As the clock strikes 12 on the wall, I see your eyes are saying,
ooh, let\'s take it back to the way it was, and how we know it should be.
Ooh, we\'ll yurn down the lights real low, take it nice and slow,
we\'ll make sure the mood is right, as we sit by the fireside,
look into each other eyes, and make love to our favorite song,
that\'s how it was.

It\'s been so long, since we\'ve been this way,
the good times we had somehow strayed away,
let\'s put our love back,
put lovin\' back how it used to be, in the days of true romancin\'.

Give me that old school lovin\', like you used to do,
give me that old school lovin\', I know you want to,
give me that old school lovin\', in that special way,
old school love, old school love.

Ooh, back in the day, a man would threat a woman like he knew he should,
on the phone all night \'til morning light, surprising her,
with flowers that he knows she, she\'d go crazy for.

Ooh, (it\'s been so long) it\'s been so long since we\'ve been this way
(since we\'ve been this way),
times that we had strayed away,
let\'s put our love back, put lovin\' back how it used to be,
in the days of true romancin\'.

Give me that old school lovin\', like you used to do,
give me that old school lovin\', I know you want to (I know you want to baby),
give me that old school lovin\', in that special way (ooh in that special way),
old school love, old school love (old school lovin\').

Give me that old school lovin\', like you used to do
(give me that, give me that old school lovin\'),
give me that old school lovin\', I know you want to (I know you want to),
give me that old school lovin\', in that special way,
old school love, old school lovin\'.

Ooh, old school lovin\' is the way we should be lovin\',
when you\'re treatin\' me the way I like,
ooh, just like you like it, when I know how you want it,
and the way that I do it is the way you like,
old school lovin\' is the old fashioned way,
like back in the day.

Give me that old school lovin\', like you used to do,
give me that old school lovin\', I know you want to,
give me that old school lovin\' (give me that, give me that old school lovin\'),
in that special way (give me that, give me that old school lovin\'),
old school love, old school love.

Give me that old school lovin\' (old school lovin\'),
like you used to do (old school lovin\'),
give me that old school lovin\' (ooh yeah), I know you want to (ooh yeah),
give me that old school lovin\', in that special way,
old school love, old school love.

Give me that old school lovin\', like you used to do,
give me that old school lovin\', I know you want to,
give me that old school lovin\', in that special way,
old school love.

Date added: Mar 26, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
Download time: < ? min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: ?? kbps
Track Length ?? (mm:ss)
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