White Bryan It Was That Good Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics White Bryan lyrics


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White Bryan - It Was That Good

I feel sorry for my friend
Who must be tired
of all the fuss I\'m making
Since last night I\'m feeling so inspired
Just like a dream and I love waking
If they could hear your wisper baby
It\'s more than a love song
It\'s a symphony
It was that good
It was that right
That chance you get once in your life
The answer to the prayer my heart\'s been praying...
It was the real
It was that strong
That feeling that just can\'t be wrong
I could go on forever If I could
It was that good
Suddenly I\'m saying things I\'ve never heard
My soul is doing all the talking
If it was orindary you wouldn\'t hear a word
I would keep it to myself and just keep walking
But it\'s no secret what you\'ve done to me
there\'s no doubt in my mind...
It was that good
It was that right
That chance you get once in your life
The answer to the prayer my heart\'s been praying...
It was the real
It was that strong
That feeling that just can\'t be wrong
I would go on forever If I could
It was that good
The more I think about it
I don\'t know how I\'d live without it
It\'d given a new life to me
I know you\'d agree
It was that good
It was that right
That chance you get once in your life
The answer to the prayer my heart\'s been praying...
It was the real
It was that strong
That feeling that just can\'t be wrong
I could go on forever If I could
It was that good
It was that good
It was that right
That chance you get once in your life
The answer to the prayer my heart\'s been praying...
It was the real
It was that strong
That feeling that just can\'t be wrong
I would go on forever If I could
It was that good
It was the gooood

Date added: Mar 26, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
Download time: < ? min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: ?? kbps
Track Length ?? (mm:ss)
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Music video for White Bryan - It Was That Good

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