Bodeans The Strangest Kind Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Bodeans lyrics


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Bodeans - The Strangest Kind

Oooh, yea

Well I've heard about a love that's like a memory
and I've heard about a love that's like dream
said, "I've heard about a love that's always fightin' "
It's the Strangest Kind that you've ever seen

And I've heard about a love that never quits man
let me tell you 'bout a love runnin' outta steam
and then there's a love that can't stop cryin'
It's the Strangest Kind that you've ever seen

Well there's a love flashin like a lightnin'
and there's a love crawlin' on it's knees
and there's a love so strong that it's frightnin'
well that's the kind of love I'm a wantin' to see

You know I've heard about a love that can make you whisper
and I've heard about a love oughta make ya scream (SCREAM!)
and I've heard about a love nothin' but hatered
It's the Strangest Kind that you've ever seen

Well there's a love flashin like a lightnin'
and there's a love crawlin on it's knees
and there's a love so strong that it's frightnin'
well that's the kind of love I'm a wantin' to see


You know I've heard about a love like "Old Delilah"
and I've heard about a love like you and me
and I've heard about a love like my Mom and Pop have
It's the Strangest Kind that you've ever seen
Yes it's, The Strangest Kind that you've ever seen
I know it's, The Strangest Kind that you've ever seen, yea


Date added: May 12, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
Download time: < ? min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: ?? kbps
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