Chad Mitchell Trio James James Morrison Morrison Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Chad Mitchell Trio lyrics


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Chad Mitchell Trio - James James Morrison Morrison

James James Morrison Morrison
Chad Mitchell Trio
Album: "At The Bitter End"

E B7
James James Morrison Morrison Weatherby George Dupree
E A E B7
Took great of his mother, though he was only three.
James James said to his mother: "Mother," he said, said he.
E B7 E
"Don't ever go down to the end of the town if you don't go down with me.
A E B7 E
Don't ever go down to the end of the town if you don't go down with me."

[# in brackets indicates a singer solo's the rest of (only) that line]

[1] Now, James James Morrison's mother put on her golden gown.
[2] And James James Morrison's mother, she drove to the end of the town.
James James Morrison's mother said to herself, said she:
"Well, I can get down to the end of the town and be back in time for tea.
[old lady laugh: ho, ho, ho, ho, ho]
Well, I can get down to the end of the town and be back in time for tea."

[1]King John put up a notice: "Lost, stolen or strayed.
[2] Lost, stolen or strayed.
[1]James James Morrison's mother seems to have been mislayed.
[2] Seems to have been mislayed.
[1]Wandering vaguely all about, [all] quite of her own accord.
She tried to get down to the end of the town. For two shillings reward."
She tried to get down to the end of the town. For two shillings reward."

[Note: Of course "For two shillings reward" refers back to the "notice"
King John put up, but what odd phrasing! I've always found it confusing
to the listner. Here is a suggested alternative:
"Wandering vaguely all about, wherever she's so inclined.
She tried to get down to the end of the town. She thought nobody would mind."
or ", and get back in plenty of time." or you make something up.]

James James Morrison Morrison, [1: spoken] commonly known as "Jim".
Said to his other relations, not to go blamin' him.
For James James said to his mother: [1]"Mother," [2] he said, [3] said he.
"Don't ever go down to the end of the town if you don't go down with me.
You must never go down to the end of the town if you don't go down with me."

[1] James James Morrison's mother, she hasn't been heard of since.
[1] King John said he was sorry, [all] and so did the queen and the prince.
[1] King John [2] somebody told me [3] said to a man he knew:
[1] "If people go down to the end of the town, well what can anyone do?
If people go down to the end of the town, well what can anyone do?"

[Alternate voices every letter on first line]

Took great care of his hmmmm though he was only three.
Now, J J said to his hmmmm, "Hmmmmm" he said, said he.
"Don't ever go down to the end of the town if you don't go down with me.
You must ever go down to the end of the town if you don't go down with me."
Don't ever go down to the end of the town if you
[stacatto:] don't - go - down - with - me

Date added: Jul 22, 2005
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Limitations: No limitations
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