Fifteen My Congressman Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Fifteen lyrics


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Fifteen - My Congressman

My congressman says I cant give my brother a clean syringe
If he should get aids and die, that's just too bad
My senator says I can't give my sister a clean syringe
If she should get hepititis and die, that's just too bad
My president says I cant give my brother a clean syringe
If he should get hepititis and die, that's just too bad
The policeman says I cant give my sister a clean syringe
If she should get aids and die, that's just too bad
My county superviser likes to think he's so much wiser
Than all the doctors put together
Who say we should give away clean syringes
My city councilman says it's not a problem
We're only gonna spend millions on treatment won't work
For people who will die
My community likes to claim immunity on the basis of homophobia
And a lack of medical fact
Hey america there's needle users sleeping with your children
With your daughters, with your sons and with your husbands.
We got a law, says you can't own a needle.
Without a presciption
Do you think that ever kept anyone from shooting up?
All the politicians say, we cant legalize exchange
Because that would be sending the wrong message
But did you ever notice,
On every billboard, in every magazine, in every corner store, on every tv screen.
The message is "buy cigarettes and alcohol"
Don't you know drugs are everywhere , you can't stop it
Criminalize it, make it profitable, ensure its longevity
Don't you know drugs are everywhere, you can't stop it
It's not a law enforcement issue,
Addiction's a disease
If you find your self in the position of having to share a needle with another person,
Take the steps to ensure that you don't get infected.
Suck water up to the top of the needle, and squirt it out.
Suck water up to the top of the needle, and squirt it out.
Suck water up to the top of the needle, and squirt it out.
That's step one
Suck bleach up to the top of the needle, and squirt it out.
Suck bleach up to the top of the needle, and squirt it out.
Suck bleach up to the top of the needle, and squirt it out.
That's step two
Suck water up to the top of the needle, and squirt it out.
Suck water up to the top of the needle, and squirt it out.
Suck water up to the top of the needle, and squirt it out.
That's step three, you're done
We got a law, says you can't own a needle.
Without a presciption
Do you think that ever kept anyone from shooting up?
All the politicians say, we cant legalize exchange
Because that would be sending the wrong message
But did you ever notice,
On every billboard, in every magazine, in every corner store, on every tv screen.
The message is "buy cigarettes and alcohol"
Don't you know drugs are everywhere, you can't stop it
Criminalize it, make it profitable, ensure its longevity
Don't you know drugs are everywhere , you can't stop it
It's not a law enforcement issue,
Addiction's a disease
My congressman says I can't give my brother a clean syringe
If he should get aids and die, that's just too bad
My senator says I cant give my sister a clean syringe
If she should get hepititis and die, that's just too bad
My president says I cant give my brother a clean syringe
If he should get hepititis and die, that's just too bad
The policeman says I can't give my sister a clean syringe
If she should get aids and die, that's just too bad
My county superviser likes to think he's so much wiser
Than all the doctors put together
Who say we should give away clean syringes
My city councilman say's it's not a problem
Were only gonna spend millions on treatment won't work
For people who will die
My community likes to claim immunity on the basis of homophobia
And a lack of medical fact
Hey america there's needle users sleeping with your children
With your daughters, with your sons and with your husbands.

Date added: Mar 26, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
Download time: < ? min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: ?? kbps
Track Length ?? (mm:ss)
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