The Scabs Astronaut Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics The Scabs lyrics


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The Scabs - Astronaut

I am an astronaut falling through the night
I am an astronaut lost beyond your sight
I am an astronaut letting go and holding tight
I am an astronaut just don't ask me why

You are the sun and I'm falling towards you
You are the sun and you're coming into view
You are the sun and every word I say is true
You are the sun and you melt me yes you do

I am an astronaut lost without a ship
I am an astronaut and I can't escape your grip
I am an astronaut and I can feel it start to slip
I am an astronaut and I am falling as I trip

You are the sun and I know you are the one
You are the sun and this story's just begun
You are the sun and you cannot be outrun
You are the sun and I'm having so much fun

I am an astronaut and it's out of my control
I am an astronaut and you play the starring role
I am an astronaut and your swallowing me whole
I am an astronaut and I'm only rock-n-roll

And you are the sun and much too strong to fight
You are the sun and everything's alright
You are the sun and you've wet my appetite
You are the sun and I'm blinded by the lig

Date added: Sep 18, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
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